
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

from a person who once stole the biggest stop sign in the county

Yeah, but the point is *I'm* not over it. And this isn't kindergarten where my DMs become a forced democracy of fairness in a world of tattling and competition for attention.

Me being a public person, if I may once again elaborate, means someone bugging me becomes public material. Comedians do this all the time.

And this might be a good place to remind readers that I have some excellent trackers, including google analytics, so by all means, feel free to keep flagging where you are waving to me from again.

Several browser upgrades offer excellent ID masking, and I think Google even offers it for free. Quite a few people have learned how to stalk me so excellently that I don't even know they're there. (Well, I do, but only because they look like Vashta Narada lurking inside astronaut gear, so I can't tell who they are and where they come from.) If being talked about disturbs you, please to look into becoming a professional lurker. Stealth is key to not making one's self a target.

I've mentioned being mean somewhere, I think. At least I own being a very annoying person. I've posted so many warning signs I can hardly believe I'm having to stoop to this after saying "stop" over and over doesn't work. And if I'm still doing it, it's because it didn't stop.