
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

this is still the evil me just getting started on antibiotic

When I have to remind someone three times that they are on a public family-friendly feed when they leave comments on my stuff and then repeatedly ask that person to stop because the comment bombs are so wildly stupid, I can only conclude that I am the stupid one for putting up with it so long.

I vet everyone who follows me everywhere. I've personally vetted thousands of people all over the globe. I very rarely have to deal with crap because I am so meticulous making sure my followers are genuine people. You guys never see the followers who abruptly vanish during off days when they sink into the quagmire of hateful porny drunken self pity that suddenly floods a list I have them on. Sometimes those people have 50K+ followers, and you know what? I don't care. I don't care how popular you are, who you are in the industry, how groovy other people think you are, if you're blowing up my feed with suckage, then *poof*.

Sometimes a *poof* is a little more agonizing than that because we've developed l'histoire. Even then, almost nobody notices when someone goes missing from my interactions. Like today. *poof* Had enough of you, mister.

I'll spell it out. I'm very publicly stand-uppish for the underdog. I support crisis networking. I've been very open and honest about my own stuff and how I feel about other people being exploited.

Exploiting has become an acceptable behavior because most of social media is exactly that, exploiting other people's content for money, traffic, and attention, depending on what part of the food chain one resides. The 'little people' usually go for the attention thing. The way they exploit others is by sharing content and then making remarks into their own feed about what they just shared, or by jumping into someone's content with the kind of remark that is supposed to rile people up and stimulate more response. No one is immune, and no one is sinless.

Most people handle this with privacy controls. Just put fences up and keep the crap out. Even I tell people that anything goes on a public feed, it really is up to each individual to control their own timelines and create the house they live in on social media. Control means monitoring the crap that comes through your yard. I have an open yard, but I also have a buncha bottle rockets in a coke bottle for strays, if you need imagery. Sometimes I have to sting someone's toe with a pellet gun (still imagery), and sometimes I have to point blank excommunicate offenders after politely asking and being ignored.

I don't go looking for people to follow. People follow me. If you choose me, it's your job to notice my style, my ethics, and my tolerance levels if you're going to jump into my stuff. I'm not the bad guy for drawing a line here or there, I'm just being considerate of readers I've gathered who might not appreciate being snark targets.

I have two fave comedians. One of them snarks other public figures sacrilegiously in order to get noticed and mocks being on the D-list, the other snarks only himself and made it into the A-list on his own talent. I have deep respect for both of them working so hard and becoming who they are. Anyone paying attention can see the public snarker still follows certain etiquette rules.

My latest *poof* is kinda like me, a yaps-a-lot, but not like me at all because he doesn't care about his audience. All he cares about is splashing around in the big ol' social media pool and crapping on lawns. The more response he can stir up, the more successful he feels scribbling I was here all over the windows.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

from a person who once stole the biggest stop sign in the county

Yeah, but the point is *I'm* not over it. And this isn't kindergarten where my DMs become a forced democracy of fairness in a world of tattling and competition for attention.

Me being a public person, if I may once again elaborate, means someone bugging me becomes public material. Comedians do this all the time.

And this might be a good place to remind readers that I have some excellent trackers, including google analytics, so by all means, feel free to keep flagging where you are waving to me from again.

Several browser upgrades offer excellent ID masking, and I think Google even offers it for free. Quite a few people have learned how to stalk me so excellently that I don't even know they're there. (Well, I do, but only because they look like Vashta Narada lurking inside astronaut gear, so I can't tell who they are and where they come from.) If being talked about disturbs you, please to look into becoming a professional lurker. Stealth is key to not making one's self a target.

I've mentioned being mean somewhere, I think. At least I own being a very annoying person. I've posted so many warning signs I can hardly believe I'm having to stoop to this after saying "stop" over and over doesn't work. And if I'm still doing it, it's because it didn't stop.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

radiation burns and carnage

I just deleted a lengthy scathing obnoxiously mean-spirited toxic spill of molten lava. (Ok, just moved it to storage, it's all still there.)

What's left is this cool new blog.

I'm still feeling pretty hateful, though. I just didn't like looking at it.


The next time I go on a 2-week soul purging binge dealing with, oh, I dunno, DEATH OF LOVED ONES and get trite little blow off comments back on twitter and facebook or DMs and PMs whining about something over and over and over, I will just start pressing buttons.

One of my top interview questions after the book comes out will ask why I kill my readers. Metaphorically.

Hang on, I'm putting this part back in.

The problem with trolls and bullies is that some of them have no idea what that is. So please allow me to spell it out. These are general observations and not necessarily something going on with me personally, but I will definitely speak to it because it keeps coming up in private messaging.

1- Dragging someone into other people's business in private convos is trolling. Also known as gossiping. After going through YEARS of that, I can't even begin to tell you how much ~I don't care~ who said what behind mine or anyone else's back and what that's supposed to mean to me.

2- Continuing to do that after being asked to stop is trolling. Also known as attention-getting.

3- Pushing for public explanations (reasons and answers) for responses to one's own bad behavior is trolling. Also known as bullying.

4- Asking people what their private plans are on a public feed is trolling. Also known as stalking.

5- Digging for more private info when one doesn't share one's own private info is trolling. Also known as being a creeper. As in not a friend. Or being a creepy 'friend'.

6- Jumping into other people's convos that one is not part of with snarky remarks is trolling. Also known as convo bombing. (We all do this, no saints out there.)

7- Publicly threatening to share private content to prove a point is trolling. Also known as sucking as a friend.

8- Publicly taking a response or lack of response personally where everyone can see one's personal drama while pointing blame is trolling. Also known as whining.

9- Knowing every move a person makes online in real time and casually making inappropriate remarks as though this person is family and one has the right to own them as such in public is trolling. Also known as being rude and inappropriate.

10- Making a big deal about how other people might('ve) handle(d) the way one behave(s,d) is trolling. Also known as grow up.

Oh, one more thing I'm putting back in.

Since I have committed to being a public figure, and since I've asked as politely as I can both publicly and privately to stop being dragged into other people's dramas, I have decided that the only way I can get this through some thick heads is by dragging it out into a public venue. I can out-passive aggressive all of you any time. If you don't like it, go whine about it. This especially applies to all the people who've felt compelled to tell me about their skyping sexploits with a certain actor. Cut it out. You're ALL attention whores.

